Child and Youth Guidelines

Child and Youth Mental Health and Addiction Services

  1. Parents/Coaches/Volunteers can call Horizon or Vitalité Health Network for Mental and/or Addiction Services to activate free counselling sessions and programs.
  2. If a Coach or Volunteer refer to Mental Health and/or Addiction Services, the player involved must be open to counselling prior to the referral. Parents/Guardians should be informed of the referral. 
  3. If a coach/volunteer is concerned with the well-being of a player and believes the parents cannot be informed due to potential safety risk to the player, then Child Protection Services must be called – see information below: 
  4. If services for a player are more immediate with a high risk of harm to self or others, parents/volunteers and/or coaches can call the Toll-free 24/7 helpline. If an immediate threat is evident a parent/volunteer or coach should call 911 immediately. 
  5. Parents/Coaches/Volunteers can access various programs and services offered by Horizon and Vitalité by scanning the QR code in the infographic. 
  6. Players and Parents can access the New Brunswick Mental and Addiction Helpline (toll-free, confidential, around-the-clock, bilingual service at 1-866-355-5550).
  7. “Bridge The Gap” is a provincial-wide service to connect with guidance and support for mental health and additions - Bridge the Gapp NB for youth .
  8. Any Addiction and Mental Health Support and Service for Children and Youth in New Brunswick can be found at the following link: GNB Website for Addiction & Mental Health Service Child and Youth.


Child Protection

 Website Link: Child Protection (

** To report a suspected case of child abuse please call 1-833-SDDSTel (1-833-733-7835) or After-Hours Emergency Social Services 1-800-442-9799.

Provides protection to any child under age 19, whose care at home is deemed to place the child's security and development in danger, in accordance with the Family Services Act.

Any person who has information causing him/her/they to suspect that a child has been abandoned, deserted, physically or emotionally neglected, physically or sexually ill-treated or otherwise abused must inform this Department of the situation without delay.

The link above will provide a list of numbers specific to the area within NB where the suspected case of abuse allegedly has occurred or the geographical area in which the caller and/or the potential victim live.


PDF - Addiction and Mental Health team (Horizon Health) 

PDF - Mental Health and Addiction Services (Vitalité)