Coach Development

Additional Coach Training and Leisure Learning

Aside from the standard Hockey Canada- Hockey New Brunswick delivered content, coaches can find other courses to help build out their coaching resume or experience.

Coach NB:

Coach New Brunswick offers various training opportunities throughout the season and offseason. These courses may not be hockey specific but can play a major role in creating a positive sport environment, enhance coaching skills and help build out a coaching profile.

The courses taken will not appear on your Hockey Canada Registry (SPORDLE) account but will be housed on the National Coaching Certification Program- The Locker!

The Locker- National Coaching Certification Program

The Locker is where all your coach course history will be housed. If you coached Baseball, Cricket or Wrestling, chances are there is a profile and history of what you had taken.

The Locker also offers a wide variety of online, complete at your own pace, courses that can play a huge role in aiding coaches and volunteers prepare for the season, particular situations and how to avoid them with proper planning. You can self-record seminars attended, courses taken and coaching experience to get Professional Development points that work towards certifying your courses taken.

**Note that completion of courses on the NCCP Locker and Coach NB do not take the place of the volunteer requirements for Hockey New Brunswick Volunteers. These are additional learning opportunities for volunteers.